Module std.package

Additions to the core package module.

The module table returned by std.package also contains all of the entries from the core package table. An hygienic way to import this module, then, is simply to override core package locally:

local package = require "std.package"


find (pathstrings, patt[, init=1[, plain=false]]) Look for a path segment match of patt in pathstrings.
insert (pathstrings[, pos=n+1], value) Insert a new element into a package.path like string of paths.
mappath (pathstrings, callback, ...) Call a function with each element of a path string.
normalize (...) Normalize a path list.
remove (pathstrings[, pos=n]) Remove any element from a package.path like string of paths.


package Make named constants for package.config (undocumented in 5.1; see luaconf.h for C equivalents).


mappathcb (element, ...) Function signature of a callback for mappath.


find (pathstrings, patt[, init=1[, plain=false]])
Look for a path segment match of patt in pathstrings.


  • pathstrings string pathsep delimited path elements
  • patt string a Lua pattern to search for in pathstrings
  • init int element (not byte index!) to start search at. Negative numbers begin counting backwards from the last element (default 1)
  • plain bool unless false, treat patt as a plain string, not a pattern. Note that if plain is given, then init must be given as well. (default false)


    the matching element number (not byte index!) and full text of the matching element, if any; otherwise nil


    i, s = find (package.path, "^[^" .. package.dirsep .. "/]")
insert (pathstrings[, pos=n+1], value)
Insert a new element into a package.path like string of paths.


  • pathstrings string a package.path like string
  • pos int element index at which to insert value, where n is the number of elements prior to insertion (default n+1)
  • value string new path element to insert


    string a new string with the new element inserted


    package.path = insert (package.path, 1, install_dir .. "/?.lua")
mappath (pathstrings, callback, ...)
Call a function with each element of a path string.


  • pathstrings string a package.path like string
  • callback mappathcb function to call for each element
  • ... additional arguments passed to callback


    nil, or first non-nil returned by callback


    mappath (package.path, searcherfn, transformfn)
normalize (...)
Normalize a path list. Removing redundant . and .. directories, and keep only the first instance of duplicate elements. Each argument can contain any number of pathsep delimited elements; wherein characters are subject to / and ? normalization, converting / to dirsep and ? to path_mark (unless immediately preceded by a % character).


  • ... path elements


    string a single normalized pathsep delimited paths string


    package.path = normalize (user_paths, sys_paths, package.path)
remove (pathstrings[, pos=n])
Remove any element from a package.path like string of paths.


  • pathstrings string a package.path like string
  • pos int element index from which to remove an item, where n is the number of elements prior to removal (default n)


    string a new string with given element removed


    package.path = remove (package.path)


Make named constants for package.config (undocumented in 5.1; see luaconf.h for C equivalents).


  • dirsep string directory separator
  • pathsep string path separator
  • path_mark string string that marks substitution points in a path template
  • execdir string (Windows only) replaced by the executable's directory in a path
  • igmark string Mark to ignore all before it when building luaopen_ function name.


mappathcb (element, ...)
Function signature of a callback for mappath.


  • element string an element from a pathsep delimited string of paths
  • ... additional arguments propagated from mappath


    non-nil to break, otherwise continue with the next element
generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2018-09-03 17:48:42